Ultimate Lighting Control Solutions

Energy Savings At Your Fingertips
Transform Your Space With Beautiful Lighting Scenes

Arclight Controls Is A Full Service Agent And Distributor Of Lighting Control Products

Our Mission:

Arclight Controls will lead the industry by delivering top-quality lighting control products and deploying the most skilled technicians. We are committed to making the world a brighter, better place through our energy-efficient, human-centric technologies.


About Us:

Serving the Canadian electrical industry since 2001, Arclight Controls is a Stocking Agent & Tech Services Provider for Lighting Control Manufacturers. Arclight Controls represents lighting control manufacturers, providing specification support to the electrical engineering community. We supply, commission & custom program the very best quality commercial grade lighting control systems and services.

Arclight Controls is a Stocking Agent, and distributor of Cristal Controls, Kameleon Lighting Control (formerly Gentec), SensorWorx, and Current NX (formerly Hubbell) products, located in Milton, and Kitchener Ontario. Arclight supplies low voltage lighting control systems, relay panels, dimming systems, network room control systems, occupancy sensors, daylight controls, photocells, power packs, digital switches, low voltage switches, BACnet lighting controls, LONWorks Echelon lighting control, DALI systems, and Wireless lighting control products to electrical distributors, building automation contractors, and electricians.

With a special focus on providing environmentally sustainable energy solutions to the electrical engineering community, Arclight Controls has supplied hundreds of lighting control systems to the Canadian construction industries’ most demanding installations.

Supplying technology to reduce energy use is the primary focus of Arclight Controls. Everyone needs to contribute to environmental sustainability, in order to leave a better planet to our future generations.

Old Douglas Lighting Control Relay Panels Retrofit & Modernization Services

Did you know Arclight Controls re-builds and retrofits old Douglas Lighting Controls panels? If you have Douglas panels that require service support or updating to modern performance standards, look no further. Reach out to Arclight Controls for technical support, and a quotation today.

Our Cristal Controls relay controllers & 0-10V dimming modules are compatible with most Douglas panel interior fittings. Our experienced team of technicians have been retrofitting and rebuilding old Douglas control panels for decades. Our service team allows the owner to keep the existing panel enclosures and relays, while only swapping out the electronics, to modernize their systems to full BACnet control capability. Our JASPER web controller beautifully compliments old Douglas panels, and is one of the most powerful front end lighting control solutions in the market today. Arclight Controls experienced team of technicians can bring your old Douglas system up to modern day specifications, extending the life of most old systems by 20 years or more, right here in Ontario.

Arclight Controls. Smart lighting control solutions, for today’s projects.

Local service makes the difference!

For info or a quote on upgrading your Douglas lighting control system

Contact Us

From This

To Brand New Panel Interiors

Old Douglas Lighting Control Relay Panels Retrofit & Modernization Services

Did you know Arclight Controls re-builds and retrofits old Douglas Lighting Controls panels? If you have Douglas panels that require service support or updating to modern performance standards, look no further. Reach out to Arclight Controls for technical support, and a quotation today.

Our Cristal Controls relay controllers & 0-10V dimming modules are compatible with most Douglas panel interior fittings. Our experienced team of technicians have been retrofitting and rebuilding old Douglas control panels for decades. Our service team allows the owner to keep the existing panel enclosures and relays, while only swapping out the electronics, to modernize their systems to full BACnet control capability. Our JASPER web controller beautifully compliments old Douglas panels, and is one of the most powerful front end lighting control solutions in the market today. Arclight Controls experienced team of technicians can bring your old Douglas system up to modern day specifications, extending the life of most old systems by 20 years or more, right here in Ontario.

Arclight Controls. Smart lighting control solutions, for today’s projects.

Local service makes the difference!

For info or a quote on upgrading your Douglas lighting control system

Contact Us

Old Douglas Lighting Control Relay Panels Retrofit, Re-Build & Modernization Services

Did you know Arclight Controls re-builds and retrofits old Douglas Lighting Controls panels? If you have Douglas panels that require service support or updating to modern performance standards, look no further. Reach out to Arclight Controls for technical support, and a quotation today.

Our Cristal Controls relay controllers & 0-10V dimming modules are compatible with most Douglas panel interior fittings. Our experienced team of technicians have been retrofitting and rebuilding old Douglas control panels for decades. Our service team allows the owner to keep the existing panel enclosures and relays, while only swapping out the electronics, to modernize their systems to full BACnet control capability. Our JASPER web controller beautifully compliments old Douglas panels, and is one of the most powerful front end lighting control solutions in the market today. Arclight Controls experienced team of technicians can bring your old Douglas system up to modern day specifications, extending the life of most old systems by 20 years or more, right here in Ontario.

Arclight Controls. Smart lighting control solutions, for today’s projects.

Local service makes the difference!

For info or a quote on upgrading your Douglas lighting control system

Contact Us

From This

To Brand New Panel Interiors

To A Full Japser Web Control Upgrade

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